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Difference between ARM and x86 processors

Difference between ARM and x86 processors.

processors or CPU


What is CPU?
CPU stand for central processing unit. The fundamental function of CPU is to process information.

Introduction to ARM processors
The ARM processors based on RISC instruction set.

By seeing the full form of RISC you probably get the idea of that the ARM processors has less and simple instruction set than the processors of x86 architecture.

Introduction to x86
The x86 processors based on CISC instruction set.

This type of processors has complex instruction sets means more instruction than the ARM processors

The first difference point is

Applications -

1. ARM processors -
Usually ARM processors are used in portable, small and that devices which has unreliable source of power like batteries.
E.g some laptops, smartphones, tablets, IOT devices and single board computers like raspberry pi.

2. Processors based on x86 architecture-
This type of processors are usually used in PCs and servers because they need high computing power.
E.g Desktop PC's servers.

Power consumption -
In this point of comparison the ARM processors are the winners.

ARM - 

The ARM processors users less power than x86 processors because they used RISC.
Because of RISC ARM processors has less number of transistors. This is one of the rain for low power consumption. The average power user of ARM processor is about 3W.

X86 processors -
These processors are power hungry. 
Average power use is 45W. They have more number of transistors then ARM processors.

Size -
ARM processors are smaller than x86 processors. Because of less number of transistors the more space is available for other peripherals like GPU and other Network peripherals.
The combination of ARM processors and peripherals is called as SOC(System On Chip).
These SOC are used in our smartphones with integrated GPUs.

X86  processors -
This processors are big in size than ARM processors. So this processors can not be used in small devices.

Advantages -
ARM -  small and power efficient.                         Generate less heat. Some                           processors do not need heatsink.

X86 - High computing power.

Disadvantages -
ARM - Weaker then x86. Uses more  memory

X86 - Power hungry, Generates high  heat.

News Intel is planning to use ARM processors in MacBook.
Know more here
Apple is moving from Intel to ARM


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